Therapy & Coaching


You are not alone & you are very brave

Do you feel drained, overwhelmed or burdened by the challenges that life brings? Are you looking for meaning and purpose? Do you love your family but still need healthy boundaries? Are old programs preventing you from having fulfilling relationships? Do you have physical symptoms that seem to have no cause?

Sometimes the bravest thing you can do is ask for support. You’re not alone! Get In Touch with me.

Individual Sessions

As stated beautifully above, we are not static, we change continuously as does the world around us.


Couples as well as every relationship face challenges during significant life transitions, such as marriage, parenthood, career changes, or retirement.


With the wild and free teenage heart, it is difficult to accept that you can only control your words, thoughts and reactions.


There is so much to enjoy, wonder at, worry about and experience as a parent.

Equine Assisted Therapy

Why I like to work with horses as part of my team. Because they mirror our inner states without judgment or interpretation

Workshops for Groups and Teams

We are a team of psychotherapists, experienced business coaches, facilitators, consciousness creators, an

Dating & Relationship

There are many variations of passages Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nsectetur adipiscing elit. Maenas id est sed ls volutpat.

Self Esteem Therapy

There are many variations of passages Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nsectetur adipiscing elit. Maenas id est sed ls volutpat.

Grief & Loss Counseling

There are many variations of passages Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nsectetur adipiscing elit. Maenas id est sed ls volutpat.

Kids & Family

There are many variations of passages Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nsectetur adipiscing elit. Maenas id est sed ls volutpat.

Life & Future Planning

There are many variations of passages Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nsectetur adipiscing elit. Maenas id est sed ls volutpat.

Old Age Therapy

There are many variations of passages Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nsectetur adipiscing elit. Maenas id est sed ls volutpat.

Open for Appointments

Have a look at my schedule to book a session.