
Let her free she has to decide:
to which song she wants to dance
which kind of person she wants to be
why she wants to wake up in the morning
perhaps she has to hit rock bottom
to feel that pain is big enough to ignite change

With the wild and free teenage heart, it is difficult to accept that you can only control your words, thoughts and reactions. But that, on the other hand, this truth also carries a great responsibility for how you treat yourself and others.
Having your life fall apart is a great opportunity. Trust me.
Growth happens outside of your comfort zone; outside of homeostasis.

So how do we work together?

There is something called Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT). It’s about developing a vision of the future and helping to identify the skills, resources and abilities needed to achieve that vision successfully.
The SFBT people say “talking about problems creates problems, talking about solutions creates solutions”. So let’s talk solutions together.

Topics that can be adressed:

What I also offer with great success is a Career Counseling for Teenager (Strength, Passions, Interests, Asking the RIGHT questions for yourself, Empowerment, Control and Self Agency) which normally takes 3 Session